Thursday, November 27, 2014

I Will Follow - Words from the Husband

It’s funny how a simple statement can be the difference between death and life. I will follow. Three simple words. What do they mean to you? What do they mean to me? 

Every day is a choice. As a human being, we are constantly forced to make decisions. Decisions to get out of bed on time, what to eat, how to dress, what to say, blah blah blah. When it all boils down though, what’s really important? I think the decision to get up and live is up on the top of the list. But what else is up there? Is there anything else?

For me, my faith is, or should be, on the top of the list. I’m constantly struggling though. It’s so hard sometimes to remember that there is a God looking out for me. It’s funny when I think about it, and I say funny as in ironic. I’m so ready to be like “God is great” when everything is going well, but as soon as life gets difficult, I’m ready to be angry at Him. My whole problem I think is that I feel entitled, like how dare He put things in my life that actually challenge my faith in Him.
The simple truth is that I’m still a baby in Christ. My past life is getting in the way with my present life. It’s like I’m trying to dance with two left feet, while wrestling a bear, solving a calculus equation, repairing a rocket in outer space, and singing the alphabet backwards at the same time. I just can’t do it. That’s the plain and simple truth. When I bring God into everything I do, it’s like he acts like a manager of sorts. He lets in the tasks that He knows I can handle, but only if I trust and rely on Him to do so.

So back to the beginning. The simple statement of I will follow means so much more then it seems. It means that no matter what happens, I will follow Him and His plan that He has for me. I could be facing death, persecution, loss, and whatever else He may decide to try me with, but I know for certain that I will still follow Him. 

I don’t really know much of anything else that I feel like talking about. I know I wrote like what, five paragraphs? So maybe next time Leah decides to have me write about something, I can write more. I don’t know. Maybe it would help if I had questions to answer? Ask away!

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