Monday, September 29, 2014

Simplifying & Minimizing Project- $aving My Wardrobe

Hi Everyone,

         So as we have been taking this journey through simplifying our thoughts and lifestyle to ultimately draw us closer in our walk with the Lord and as a family, we have been working through different ways we can be more financially aware and smart. Our goal is to spend as little as possible on things we don't need, that don't help our relationship with God, our family, or the body of Christ and that doesn't give to those in need. We want the way we spend our money to reflect the idea that while we work and earn, this money is the Lords- How can we best use this to take care of our needs and the needs of the body of Christ. You can read more about our thoughts here: Simplifying and Minimizing Part 2

       I've recently picked up the book Gods At War- Kyle Idleman. This is a wonderful book that has really helped me put together pieces of what our goal has actually been. His book is about defeating the idols that battle for our hearts. There are so many areas in our lives that we have created false gods taking away from our devotion and worship to the true God. As I read Kyle's book it hit me that while we are saying we are trying to minimize and simplify our lives, we are really trying to dethrone the idols sitting on our heart and in our lives. We are trying to make more of us for God and less room for other idols to sneak in steal away what is rightfully Gods. The truth is; idols are everywhere, hidden and masqueraded in the everyday patterns of thought and lifestyle deceptively embezzling more and more of our hearts away under our very noses.

     On that thought, an area I have realized that I struggle with has been my wardrobe. Simply put- I love clothes. I love feeling put together and lovely. I enjoy looking and shopping and putting things on my wish list*. I like it so much that sometimes I'll catch myself longing for things I don't need and spend countless hours looking through catalogs (websites), and window shopping.

Two words:
   1. Coveting
   2. Idolizing

  So obviously something needed to change.

*(Which is really my list of things I would love to have someday, but I know will never and should never become a reality)

       So after browsing through Pinterest one day I came across a list someone had put together of clothing essentials and how they put together a full wardrobe with a minimalist approach.

....Yup, genius.

     I realized that if I had a list of the kind of clothes I owned and limited myself to how many, what kinds, and made some rules to shopping it would force me to starting thinking of clothes more like a need versus a luxury. That doesn't mean it is wrong to look nice or put together, just that I needed to change my relationship towards my wardrobe.

 I say that because I had a mini melt down when I thought that by minimizing my closet and what I spent on clothes I would never have anything I liked. But thanks to my husband, he helped me see that I can still get clothes I like within a parameter and a specified budget.

   So I put together my list. It was a simple list that had essentials that would get me through all four seasons comfortably. I came up with a few rules or I should say guidelines to help me have a functioning wardrobe.

1. I am not to buy anything full price unless I couldn't find it discounted or used first.
2. All shirts have to match or go with at least 3 bottoms
3. All pants have to match or go with at least 4 shirts
4. Dresses and Skirts have to be modest in length
5. I am not to something that is not on my list just because it is on sale
6. I have to stay within the budget decided on
7. I can only replace things if they tear, stain, or if they no longer fit

     For this past summer as I've been loosing my baby fat and kind of in-between sizes, this worked well, and I choose not to buy much because I knew I was loosing weight and would need the next size down soon. So I got just enough to get me through the summer, but as fall has caught up with us and I've lost much more weight it became painfully clear that I NEEDED clothes. Between my previous four year old wardrobe and my new distribution of weight, I really didn't have many clothes anymore. So out came my list and my project began: $aving My Wardrobe 

      I created a list of exactly what and how many items I would need, from bras to boots. When I say I needed a whole new wardrobe, I mean pretty close to literally. After I looked over my list and realized how little I actually had in my closet that fit and wasn't stained or hole filled, my stomach did major flip flops-there was no way I could get everything I needed for a low enough cost.

   I decided to go online at Old Navy and Amazon to get the lowest prices I could find on all of the items. I literally almost threw up when I added the total: $750.00. I think I rechecked and re-totaled a good five or six times hoping the number would go down. There was no way I could rationalize spending money like that on clothes.

   Here was the hard part: Where could I go to get what I needed while saving as much as I could?

The Answer:

       Salvation Army
   So on Wednesday afternoon (half off all but green tags day), with my list and a prayer I set out. Three hours later, I walked away with 24 of the 30 items on my list for a grand total of $40. Most were name brand, quality clothing- all fit in my list, worked with my rules, and I loved. The remaining items I knew I would have to spend a little more on but at least the bulk of it was taken care of. Bras, shoes (only because I have absurdly tiny feet and I never find my size anywhere), under cami's and socks where some things I was already prepared to buy at a little higher cost than the $.50 I was spending on some of my shirts. In the end, after a lot of research and looking for great deals I got everything I needed for a fairly complete wardrobe for less than half the estimated cost. My total came into just over $250.00, which my babysitting money covered entirely.

My husband was very happy. :)

I even found a pair of Toms winter shoes at discount! Which is a huge deal, because Toms are one of the only brands of shoes that fit me and don't hurt my feet! I ended up going to Salvation Army, Good Will (where I really didn't find much this time, though normally I have good luck there), Forever 21(Cami's for $1.90 a piece, and a Navy Cardigan for $8.80), Zulily, and Ebay.
In the end, I have what I need, I like what I have, and I don't have any guilt over the amount I had to spend on it. Maintaining my wardrobe from here on out won't be an issue as long as I stick to my guidelines and don't allow my love of clothes to grow into an unhealthy relationship again.

               Project = SUCESS

So there is my story, if you want to see my list just let me know and I'll be happy to share it with you.


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