Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Faith Can Move The Mountain 2015 -

I started blogging when I was 16 years old. I didn't really have much of an objective or reason for blogging, other than I loved to write. It became a way to voice what I was thinking and feeling without being judged. It was a safe place for me.

You can see more here: (if you are really interested) HeartGiggles.

By the time my husband and I got married, my blog had morphed into a place to share my walk with Christ. Unbeknownst to me at first, my stories and struggles were testaments of encouragement and hope to my friends and family members. It became apparent to me that my story is was not so different from every other persons. We all have our own unique struggles and trials, but in turn we all struggle with so many of the same things. We all experience doubt, fear, heartbreak, and joy. We all have sin in our lives; none of us have it all together. To my readers I think it was a window into another persons heart and it showed all of the raw parts of a humans soul as we learn, grow, mature, and walk through this world. I was so surprised when people started messaging me and pulling me aside to tell me that my blog was helping and encouraging.

When I first started blogging I hadn't even considered the idea that God could use my story to impact others. But as I have continued writing and sharing God has been showing me how all of our stories have the potential to bless and impact the people around us. I am no one special, I am not an unending fountain of wisdom. I am just me: Leah- a struggling disciple of Christ trying to figure everything out as I go.

Today when I write here my goal and heart is to share honestly what God is teach me and where He is leading me. I want to be open with you and to give you a look into the world of an ordinary family with common struggles and trials. Ultimately if my stories and struggles can bless and encourage you then I will keep sharing. I am not afraid to put it all out expose myself.

I want you to know that you are not alone as a person, as a Christian, wife or mother. There are people all over the world, all around you that struggle with the same 'things' that you do. There is another person in this world who can understand, imagine, and sympathize with your plights and your great joy's and miracles.

This year as I have prayed and sought God's guidance through my blog I am changing some of my focus. This year I want to reach you as my readers. I want to connect with you, get to know you, give back to you as you have each given to me and blessed me through the years, through all my trials and triumphs.

While the focus of my blog has always been to share my life with you, I will also be adding a few other elements. Starting on this coming Monday, every week I am going to share something with you be it recipes, DIY instructional, devotionals, recommendations for products, books, or anything else we really find to be a blessing, and ideas for a minimalist approach. (If you have anything else you would really like to see send me a message or comment below and I'd be so happy to oblige)

In addition my husband will start joining me more regularly sharing from his point of view things that he is learn or on topics that he feels passionately inspired by. We will also continue sharing our journey through simplifying and going more natural.

There is going to be lots coming this next year! Most importantly we just want to be as
real and honest with you as we can.  

To a new year and another day on the road!

With an earnest Love,


  1. Angela, thank you so much!! I love having an opportunity to share my life with all of you! Love to you!!


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