The truth is that I've been sick. Very sick.
I've been fighting infections, my body rejecting medication after medication, and doctors left baffled by what they were seeing. No one had the answers. No one understood what was going on with me or my body...or the effect it could be having on this unborn child inside of me. There was a moment where some very serious concerns were raised...fears that I and possibly my child wouldn't survive. My body was doing things that no doctor had ever seen before.
I was scared for a while. I wasn't sure what was going to happen to the baby or myself. I tried to be brave and courageous; I tired to trust that God had us in His hands. But it was hard.
It had gotten to the point where the doctors were left with only the option of taking me off all medications, hoping to buy enough time for the baby before they would have to take her. I was looking at a very high-risk and complicated c-section, a premature baby, and months upon months of treatment afterwards in hopes to heal the deep infection in my abdomen.
So, I went off of all medications and we started praying. We prayed, our church prayed, our family and friends prayed and then we waited to see how my body would respond. I met with several specialist, each confirming what my doctors where already seeing, but we started seeing some hope for the baby. The risks for the baby grew less and less each day. It was just my body that was struggling and fighting so hard.
Then one day, after an excruciating afternoon and evening, in more pain than I have ever experienced before, my husband helped me crawl into bed, and I slept for the first time in many nights. When I woke up the next morning, something immediately felt different. I realized that the pain was almost completely gone. Overnight all of the festering sores, huge areas of swelling, bleeding and the feverish sensation that had been pulsing through my body for weeks were completely gone. Where there were once open swollen wounds only painless purple scars remained.
Days later I met with my specialists again, where they presented me with biopsy results confirming the deep tissue fungal infection I once had. Seeing the scars and complete absence of the infection, left every doctor and nurse completely speechless. There was no medical or scientifically reasonable explanation for the sudden healing. "Fungus doesn't just go away, it has to be killed. Especially in the case of the extremely active and resistant infection you had. " one doctor said in hushed tones as she sat looking completely flabbergasted.
I don't know why God chose to heal me, but I have no doubt in my mind that He was the one behind it. He has been protecting this baby and myself from day one of this pregnancy. He has left doctors and nurses speechless, without room for explanations or rational reasonings. He has clearly made a point that He has a plan for this child and for me. Whatever we may face in the next month, I know that He will be glorified and lifted up.