We are a few days shy of our first complete month without electronic entertainment. While we have made a huge change in our use of TV and computers, we have also had huge changes in several other areas in our life that have distracted us from our venture. I guess, we've just been so busy unpacking and...well just living, that we haven't had much time to think about entertainment in general. It hasn't been nearly as difficult as we thought it would initially be.
The hardest part for me has been getting through the afternoons with an exhausted sleep deprived baby and sleep deprived, pregnant me. I would have so enjoyed laying in bed with my toddler watching a little comfort TV. Instead, with Baby Einstein on loop (just for a little noise in the some what startling silence of our home), we would sit on the floor and look at books, cry, play with her little toys, cry and finally make some dinner and go to bed. I was so surprised when I kind of had to relearn entertaining a toddler without TV. The first few days I actually felt a little lost. I wasn't sure what to do with her. I didn't realize that I had become so dependent on the TV or my siblings to keep my little one distracted and occupied.
The good news: We are learning.... more everyday.
I do have to mention how incredibly proud I am of my husband through this process! Not only has he stepped away from video games completely, after a few weeks of being free of the distractions he discovered a huge change in his ability to focus, think and interact with others. He was so convicted with the change he felt and experienced he actually sold his laptop so that it wouldn't be a temptation! I am swelling with pride and admiration in the devotion he has shown to his family and his relationship with Christ.
On another note, not watching TV every night, or being on Facebook before bed, has made a huge difference in my ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. It has also improved my ability to think more clearly and focus on the things that are right in front of me.
Everyday brings more freedom, more intimacy with my family, friends and most importantly God. Without distractions and meaningless entertainment we are spending much more quality time together and our conversations are becoming deeper and richly infused with intimacy and knowledge of each others hearts.
As we approach this new month, I wonder if it will become more of a challenge as we settle into our new routine? I guess we will have to wait and see. In any case, if one month could profit such freedom, I wonder what is to come in the following year.
Would you consider trying a year without electronic entertainment? Why or why not?
We are thinking of you all!
With an Earnest Love,